Last weekend, Jerry and I worked the stove up the stairs and had it all ready to go in..yikes! The granite was 3/8" too wide in a couple of places! Talk about frustrated! Jerry measured and measured to get it exact, but the granite-guy didn't quite cut square. So we had to call him back out, and he fixed it on Thursday so Jerry brought home the hook-up stuff; wrong size! He called me on my way home to see where I was to send me to the Hardware store, I was already in Phelan, and too late for Anderson's to be open. So he left Wrightwood, drove to Victorville, (at 8 PM) and got the right stuff! What a guy! Yep, he got it done, and Friday night, (our usual out-to-dinner night) I cooked a meal! It looks great, it works great too. Sunday I did the whole roast, baked potatoes, and fresh vegetables meal. It is really nice to have 2 ovens.
This week the cabinet doors go up...they are all done and painted, then the kitchen will be co
Now a HUGE shout-out to my sweetheart who is an amazing man. He works so hard to make our home a more beautiful and comfortable place. Then he even brings a great spirit into it when he strums the guitar and sings. I took this shot Sunday as he sat playing hymns and quietly singing. I am the luckiest girl in the whole USA!!